Friday, February 4, 2011

My night?... oh You mean the hours of 11pm-7am...

Day 4: A picture(s) of your night:
My night was actually really good last night... had some interesting moments and I saw something swollen on a patient that I totally didn't know could swell! Also I learned about a new disease, grieved with a patient who had just lost someone close to them, acted silly with my co-workers, had a good chat with a doctor, nurse praticioner, and a physician assistant, gave shots in butts, and did my fair share of poking, prodding, measuring and so forth. All in all just another night shift. I love my patients though!! Especially the really really confused one! It makes the night fun!

1 comment:

Lindy said...

I love that your night includes "give shots in the butt". Awesome. :)