Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My little chatterbox

Makenna turning 7 months old threw me for a (small) loop. Makenna starting to crawl (the day after she turned 7 months) threw me for a (medium sized) loop. There are no words to describe the size of the loop I was thrown for when my 7 month old (and 1 week) said a full sentance!! Yes, she said a full sentance. Craziness! She said "I want Mama!!" Clear as day. Michael and I both heard it! The rational part of my brain was telling me that she didn't really say it, we just heard sounds that could have sounded like those words. But now in 3 days it has become clear that she WAS saying those words. Since Sunday she has said I want Mama/dada multiple times. She is also calling Rylie "gog" and said "goggy" last night. Today she told me no. She has also said "yeah" many times answering questions. I have to tell ya, it is really weird hearing my 7 month old talk, but at the same time it is freaking awesome! I've been trying to get a video of it, but every single time I pull my phone out she totally clams up. The other really cute thing she has been doing lately is saying vowels the whole time we're in the car. All we hear is "aaa aaa aaa aaa" "eee eee eee ee" etc... SO FREAKING CUTE! I love this kid so much! She is a joy!

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