Thursday, October 9, 2008


So Matthew and Mom both have strep throat!! I feel like I need to gown up for an isolation room every time I enter my house! I have had my fun with strep and I do not wish to EVER get it again. When I was in 7th grade I had it like four or five times! The ONE and ONLY upside about it was the fact that I desensitized myself to having thinkgs stuck down my throat.... this might not sound like a good thing, but believe me.... I would gag if anything went farther then 2 inches back on my tongue! So after having the huge stick stuck down the back of my throat five, six, seven times I adapted!! YAY!! So to make the story short..... I am avoiding my family in the hope that I don't catch it. I was freaking out yesterday because I my throat started to feel sore, but it was just a sore!! So not quality family time until the sickeys are all better!

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