Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas 2012

I CANNOT believe that Christmas is over already! I remember as a child that Christmas was so magical and seemed to last so long. We would always wake up before the sun came up and do our Christmas at home. Then we would go to my Grandparent's Evelo's house. After that we'd drive up to Dothan to spend the afternoon and evening with my mom's family. It was amazing! Now that I'm a parent (of just 1 child mind you) I have no earthly idea of how my parents were able to do that EVERY year with 4 kids in tow. Thank you Mom and Dad for making it so awesome for us!

This year was a laid back Christmas, which is exactly what I needed because I have been so worn out from work and the baby. I had 5 days off of work in a row!!!!!

We did Christmas with my extended family on Sunday. It was tons of fun. We discovered that: 1)Makenna is a pro at unwrapping presents, 2)She loves to play with Raelee's toys, and 3)Raelee loves to play with Makenna's toys. It was very funny to watch because Raelee would be opening a present herself, but would always have her eyes on what Makenna was opening.

Monday morning Michael and I woke up at 4:30 and took goodies to the nurses and techs at Centre Pointe Rehab. They had all watched me throughout the whole pregnancy and have never gotten to meet Makenna or Michael. They totally ate her up. After Centre Pointe we went to HealthSouth with goodies so that Michael's co-workers could see Makenna. Then we drug ourselves back home and went back to bed until about 2:30 in the afternoon. It was glorious to sleep that long! And Makenna was being awesome and sleeping too! Then we went shopping for the few last minute gifts. We got to Blue Abbaco and it was closed. We got the the Gem Collection right after it closed. We gave up on fancy stores and went to Walmart... right as the major downpour began... (yay).... nothing like being soaked to the bones... we managed to keep Makenna dry somehow.

That night we had Christmas with my family at my parent's house. Makenna had so much fun unwrapping more gifts. She and Raelee got matching babydolls from my parents. Makenna's is so cute because it a ladybug babydoll. After we got home Babygirl went to bed and Michael and I cuddled up and watched some TV.

Christmas morning we went over to the in-laws. We had a yummy Christmas breakfast and then opened gifts. Makenna got so spoiled! The best gift of all was a gift Michael's mom made for us with Makenna. It was a snowman ornament. The snowmen were made from Makenna's handprint. She also made us a picture with Makenna's handprints and a card with footprints. It was awesome. Michael's brother got a gun for Christmas so we shot some cans. The rest of the day we just hung out and relaxed.

I also had Wednesday off of work. I spent the day cleaning and organizing the house and also took some time to relax. This Christmas was super fun and full of family. We took time everyday to remember the reason for the season: Little Baby Jesus's birth.
Yummy wrapping paper (side note: Notice the bow on her head... she FINALLY has enough hair to get a bow in it!!)

Unwrapping her "ballcano" from Meemaw and Bapa

Sitting in front of the tree at Great Meemaw's and Great Bapa's house

Unwrapping her very first present

Raelee and Makenna at Rae's 3rd Birthday Party

Funny hat

Christmas Jammies!

So tired after the 3rd Christmas that she fell asleep sitting straight up.

Daddy taught her how to yell into a wrapping paper tube.

Babygirl was overstimulated with all the fun

Playing with the baby in the mirror

Makenna's play corner. (the organizer is made out of diaper boxes and duck tape.)

Rylie enjoyed her presents too!

I hope ya'll had a fun and wonderful Christmas!!!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

6 months old

I cannot believe how fast time is passing. Makenna is already 1/2 a year old!! I feel like it was just yesterday that I was holding her close examining every body part comfirming that she was indeed perfect.

She is a perfect little 6 month old! She sleeps 10 hours a night (unless she's not feeling well) and loves to play with mommy, daddy and Rylie, but Raelee is her favorite playmate. She and Raelee both met Santa for the first time.

She is a sweet little babygirl. And she LOVES her babydoll!
Her first word is Baba (bottle) and she is trying hard to say mama. She is really wanting to crawl. I love this babygirl so much!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Couch to 5K training

i am just going to fess up. i am horribly disgustingly out of shape. my plan was to be in shape before i got pregnant. that obviously did not happen since makenna was a surprise. so when michael and i started couch to 5k i knew i was in for a rude awakening... but i did better then i expected.... it was tough, and  i wasnlt able to run as long as i wanted but i stuck it out. i kept going. now i feel absolutely wonderful. i probably will not be able to move tomorrow but it will be worth it. i hate being overweight and being in the medical field i know everything being overweight put you at risk for. no more for me. today was the first day of a new me.

Yesterday I did day 2. Michael had to ref a soccer game so I was on my own with Makenna. My plan was originally just to walk and do the actual workout every other day, but I got out to the lake, stretched, and did my warm-up walk. I felt great and decided to go for it. I did SOOO much better then on Monday. Who knew that 1 day CAN actually make a difference. Anyways, Dad was out there for the beginning and then started to do his daily run. I did my 30 minute workout with the alternating walk/jog and then proceeded to walk for an additional 50 minutes with my mom and a friend. I'm sore today but it is a good sore. I can't wait to get off work today and go some more!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

a moment of giddiness

My child is always on the move. For a kid that can't crawl (she will be before long) or walk she is able to move around amazingly well. She also HATES to cuddle. This makes me very very sad. Last night we played on the floor and then on the bed. At bedtime I had her sitting on my lap facing away from me. As I started the bouncing to sleep routien she started turning herself around. She ended up cradled in my arms. AND SHE STAYED THIS WAY!! She eventually fell asleep just looking up at me. I was overcome with Giddiness! I also may have cried a bit. I'm glad she is finally letting me cuddle her. It was just what I needed after a long day.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The craziness that is my life

Wow... I can't believe that Thanksgiving is this week! I seriously am wondering where the time has gone to. I feel like I have missed 3 or 4 months. At first I thought is was the whole being a new mom thing... but then I realized that it is the absolute CRAZY schedule I have. Here is the schedule I am on most weeks.
Get up at 4AM. Leave house by 4:50AM to get to Centre pointe (rehab facility) by 5AM.
5AM-7:30 Centre Pointe
7:30-11:30 Office
11:30-12:30 Home for Lunch
12:30-4:30 Office

7:30-11:30 Office
11:30-12:30 home for lunch
12:30-4:30 Office

Up at 4AM
5AM-7:30 Centre Pointe
7:30-11:30 Office
11:30-12:30 Home for lunch
12:30-4:30 Office

Up at 4AM
5AM-7:30 Centre Pointe
7:30-11:30 Office
11:30-12:30 Home for Lunch
12:30-4:30 Office

Up at 5AM
6AM-7AM Centre Pointe
7AM-11AM Office




Up at 7am
9am-12 Church
12-5 Relax
5-6:30 Dinner with my family

See the craziness that is my life?? Possibly BIG changes coming soon... we'll see!

Saturday, November 3, 2012


makenna had  tons of fun going trick or treating with raelee. and she enjoyed  sampling realees lollipop. enjoy the video.

Monday, October 29, 2012

I love them

Pure Joy. She is such a Daddy's Girl. I love them!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

tonight was the trunk or treat at church. it was so fun seeing all the kids  run around in their costumes. and our little ladybug had a ball. she has two absolute favorite things. crowds and being ouutside. this combined the two so she was a happy  baby. here is a video from tonight  and pictures if my phone  will let me post them.  and please forgive me for having nothiing capitalized... my phone will only let me type in lowercase letters.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Monday, October 22, 2012

Makenna Videos

Here are some cute Video's of Makenna. The 1st one is of her trying to get the pacifier in her mouth. The second one is her eating bananas for the first time. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Mixed feelings tonight folks!

Tonight I find myself with mixed feelings. Anxiety, sadness  frustration, love, wonder, joy, etc...  Let me explain each and I'll add a Makenna update since I've been bad at blogging.
1. Anxiety: Michael has to have an endoscopy done at TMH in the morning. I know this a routine procedure but sadly I also know how often a "routine" procedure can go drastically wrong. You know the saying "ignorance is  bliss"? Well sometimes it is.... BUT... My Dad came over tonight and gave Michael a blessing. Now I just need to have faith that everything will be ok.

2. Sadness: I know a TON of people that have had C-sections lately. ALL of them have been able to successfully breastfeed. With each story of success I hear I am VERY happy for them. But it makes me very sad and I start questioning myself. Why wasn't I able to do it? I know I gave it a great shot. I know I exhausted all options before giving up. But why did it happen that way? The whole story of what went on is in a previous blog but here is the abbreviated version. {Had C-section, 6 days later baby was screaming non-stop and had dropped from 7lbs 7oz to 6lbs 3oz. Went to breastfeeding support group. Learned that babygirl was only getting about a teaspoon of milk with each feeding. Learned that my milk had failed to come in correctly. Had to supplement with formula. Went on a ton of supplements/meds and started aggressively pumping and nursing. My milk STILL didn't come in. I finally gave up when Makenna was 8 weeks old.} So I Know I need to count my blessings, and I am totally happy for everyone that can breastfeed.

3. Frustration: WHY WAS I SO STUPID?????? I lollygagged in school and should have had my nursing degree totally done. Now I'm having to figure out a way for me to finish it up, and Michael needs to finish up also. AND... Why didn't we save more money when we were childless and had so much? Oh well... you live and you learn...

4. Love: Every time I think that I couldn't possibly love Michael and Makenna more, something happens that proves me wrong! I am so so SO blessed to have such an amazing man for a husband, and such a perfect little baby girl as a daughter!

5. Wonder: I wonder how on earth 4 months have gone by so fast!! I wonder how Makenna has grown so much in such a short amount of time. I wonder if I will ever get a full night's rest again (having Makenna is TOTALLY worth the lost sleep.).

6. Joy: These have been the best 4 months of my life. I love my little family so much. We have grown so much together. The following pictures will totally explain my joy!

Makenna and Rylie in the bath

Makenna and Bapa

Bath time fun!

Birthing class reunion!

Baby girl watching General Conference and "studying" the scriptures.

Birthing Class Daddies

Baby girl after daddy dressed her... florescent orange stripes on shirt, pink pants with red polka dots...

Makenna and Daddy...

Makenna and Raelee.

Go Noles!!!

Me and my baby!

Baby, Puppy, and Piano... What could be cuter?

Hanging out with Daddy

Raelee pushing Makenna in babydoll stroller

Poor baby girl not feeling good after her 4 month shots.

Happy Girl!

4 Month Stats! Notice the scribbled out portion. The nurse had mistakenly charted Makenna on the 6th month line. This put her in the 6th% for height and 30th% for weight and head circumference. Being in the right month REALLY makes a difference!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Makenna's 2nd Month

 Makenna is 2 Months old (and 19 days, I procrastinated writting this blog)!!! This month she: Went swimming for the firsl time, met lots of family, received her baby blessing, played hard, got shots, did lots of growing, learned how to sit up unsupported, and started sleeping through the night.
With Great Uncle Chris, Great Aunt Luz, Gaby and Carlos

With Uncle Stephen (aka Uncle Stinky), and Catie

Spent time with Grandpa

With Grandpa and Busia on her blessing day

First time swimming


I love this one!

Visiting Mommy at work

Dinner time with Auntie Liz

Cute baby toes

What I have to leave every morning

Met Great Grandpa Fredrickson for the first time

With Meemaw and Bapa on her blessing day

With Uncle Matt Matt, Aunt Shelley and Raelee

She LOVES to play

With Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Evelo

With Aunt Ashley and Uncle Jared

With Aunt Shelley and Uncle Brad (they were copying Makenna's face)

Played in her jumper

Got worn by Daddy

Happy Baby

With Great Aunt Lisa and Marisa. They came all the way down from Wisconsin

With Marisa, Auntie Jenn, and Auntie Liz

Loves her daddy