*I moved to part time on April 30th
*I started school May 6th
*I quit my job in July
*We moved in with my parents in the end of July/Beginning of August
*The hardest semester of Nursing School is NCII/NCIII which started in August
*On November 16th my family's world screeched to a stop when my brother died.
*Michael started a new job which meant instead of being gone 3 nights a week he was now gone 5 nights a week.
*Makenna was picking up on all the stress and wasn't adjusting well to daddy not being home at night and started NOT sleeping through the night anymore, which means I stopped sleeping through the night too.
*We buried him on November 23rd.
*I missed almost 2 weeks of school
*I somehow passed my finals (still not sure how this occurred).
*Christmas was a very fun but somber day.
*New Years was sad.
*We moved in with Ashley and Lillian.
*Makenna started daycare.
*I kept on keeping on in school.
*Michael got accepted into nursing school.
Crazy year right? Makenna still doesn't sleep well at night, but is getting better. I graduate this Thursday and Michael starts next Wednesday. He goes PRN in a few days, but also is getting a new job and leaving his current one. So we have 6 days of freedom from school...