Sunday, November 16, 2014

One year later

Yesterday/today is the 1 year anniversary of when Jared left this earth. Technically he died on the 16th (today) but i think we will always feel the loss more on Friday night into Saturday morning (He died at 3:30am on a Saturday morning).
      Jared decided to give us all some signs yesterday that he loves and misses us too. Matt had to stsy home because he had to work. When he woke up yesterday,  the kitchen clock had stopped  at exactly 3:30 (the time he died a year ago). When Ashley was getting out of the shower, the mirror got all steamed up and there was a perfect heart drawn on the mirror. Then at the temple we took some pictures of the 3 kids and there was a perfect sunbeam shining down on Lillian. We couldn't  see it with our naked eye, but it showed up in all the pictures. 
      We all had a pretty good day. Ashley went through the temple for the first time with Shelley, Mom and Dad. Michael and I stayed at the hotel to watch the kiddos. That was fun for us. We kinda sorta rocked the 3 kids thing. We went to walmart, had no meltdowns and the kids all had fun. Then we came home and made lunch. After lunch, all 3 kids went down for a nap within 20 minutes of each other. Then they slept for over 2 hours and all woke up within 10 minutes of each other. Then we got them all changed and piled back into the cars to go take pictures at the temple. Makenna has been obsessed with the temple. She loves it. Hasn't stopped talking  about it the entire trip. Funny how even though she has no concept of what it is, she still senses it is special.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


It's coming up on the year anniversary of the worse day in my family's lives. So I've been combating the depression that is trying to creep in. Today, despite a week long headache, we decorated our Christmas tree. I love it. I am currently just sitting on the couch drinking it in.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

As the world turns

We stay busy busy busy over here! I'm working 3 nights a week and Michael id working hard in school and working when he can. He is currently  working at a nursing home in Monticello, and he just got a second job at a memory care center here in Tally! Best part is that it is just 1\2 mile from our house. I wish he could quit the job in Monticello, but he is going to keep it tonight because he can work nights there.
    Makenna is crazy as always. She is such a joy, and such a spitfire! Here are some pics, but hopefully  I'll  be able to update more soon!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Life life life

I have really got to get better at updating my blog. Since my last post, Ashley and I became Mary Kay Representatives, we went camping, I got a job at the hospital, I took and passed the NCLEX and Makenna turned two! My job I accepted is in the Medical Oncology Dept at CRMC. I had a choice between Med Onc and Ortho and chose Oncology. I started on the floor last week and I love it so much! I am working nightshift which has been a bit of a shock to my system, but it is still great (plus I get paid more than dayshift). Taking the NCLEX was nerve racking. From sitting down at the computer to exiting the room, I was only in there for 45 minutes. My test cut off at 75 questions and I was so scared that I had not passed. I did pass thank goodness, and broke out with Hives the next night. I don't know if the hives were some PTSD for stressing over the test or an allergy. They only lasted a day and haven't occurred again.
Makenna turned 2 on the 12th. She had a birthday party at Michael's parent's house the day before her B-day and then with my family on the following Saturday. Girlie Girl made out like a bandit and loves her gifts. She especially loves the dress up dresses she got from her Great-Grandma & Grandpa Evelo.
She is SO into Sofia the First. I made her a Sofia cake and pretty much every other present was Sofia related in one way or the other lol. She was calling her "suesia" but now she says "Seeya D Fwirst". It is so cute!! She also loves Jake and the Netherland Pirates and the DJ shuffle song on Disney Jr. She has 2 Sofia CDs and the Disney Jr DJ shuffle (songs from all the shows) that she listens to pretty much nonstop. I'm cool with that... the songs are actually pretty good. Makenna's other obsession is make-up. She loves "putting on" make-up. The other night (well morning) I was at work and Makenna woke up before Michael. She somehow found some of my lip gloss and Michael awoke to her painting his face with it lol! He said half of her face, her neck and an arm was covered in it. Of course he did not get a picture! Grrr!!! Enjoy the Picture Overload!!
Makenna Loves Camping!

Her determined Face

The big girls taking the babies for a walk

Keeping the girls entertained

Makenna Loves her Baby Doll

How daddy gets her to sleep. Such a good daddy!

My girl and I after my first nightshift in 3 years! She was a little excited to see me!

Loves her Sofia lunchbox from Aunt Ashley and Lillian

She has gotten quite good at opening presents

Meemaw with Kenna and Lillian

Makenna and Matt Matt

Blowing out her candles

So excited

Her Sofia the First Cake I made

My badge! Love the RN!!! Sure Worked hard for it!

The hives

Our view while Camping

Food tent

Our Campsite

Grandma Evelo, Mom, Me and Makenna

Beach Baby!

Group shot on the beach. I am in the background holding the boogie board!

My Pumpkin!

See those two little dots? That Is Michael and I. about 10 feet from us was a group of dolphins!

Friday, May 2, 2014

I graduated last night!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last night I graduated with my RN degree. It has been a long time coming. I started with journey 6 years ago in 2008 when I started at Lively for my LPN. This past year has been filled with joy, sorrow, hardships, and celebrations. Now I am done!! The pinning ceremony was bittersweet for me because Jared surprised me by showing up at my Lively graduation, and obviously he wasn't there last night. But I can honestly say that if he had shown up it would have been the biggest surprise EVER haha. But it was a fun night and I still can't believe I'm done! The best part of the night was when my name was called to walk across the stage and get pinned. While I was walking, Makenna yelled out "Wuv You MOMMY!!!!". So freaking sweet!!!
 Here are some pics!
Me with my classmates Lauren, Jennifer and Kelissa. Lauren was also in my lively nursing class. Jennifer was in the class behind ours.

Jennifer and I.

My family minus Brad, Raelee and Fenway. They had to stay home because Raebug was sick.

With my in-laws! My MIL was awesome and kept up with Makenna during the ceremony.

My brother Matt and I.

Me and my loves!

To quote my mom: "Is there a nurse in the house?" LOL. How many families have 5 nurses?

Me with my parents.

On my way to graduation

most of my class.

Shelley did my hair for me. Pretty awesome!

The back of my hair

I am so glad I am done.

My Pin!!